Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hope in spite of circumstances!

Well, as we all awoke today to the television anchors scrambling trying to find the latest numbers and trying to bring clarity to all the confusion, I rested easy. You see our hope does not come from a 401K or an IRA. My peace doesn't come from my bank account balance. Our faith isn't based solely on the good times. If you remember when Jesus called the disciples he said simply "Come, follow me." He didn't mention to them to get their backpacks, or check on there affairs. He simply stated "come, follow me." He never promised that it would be easy and He didn't try to explain it. He wanted the disciples and He wants us to follow after Him. I was reading a great book today and it put is so concisely. Our character is developed by devotion to Him. If you are hurting or suffering today I ask that you simply read James 1:1-4 and embrace the promise that we are being tested so that our joy may be made complete. May our joy be made complete today!

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